Wednesday 16 April 2014

Author Unknown posted on 08:13
*.Partners who sleep an inch or less apart are happier than those who don't *.Around 42% of couples sleep back to back while just 4% face each other *.Couples who sleep face to face while touching were the happiest Are you someone who likes to cuddle up against your partner at night? Or do you tend to wake on the other side of the bed, facing the wall? New research shows that the position in which we sleep is highly revealing about the strength of our relationships. The key is the distance between couples, according to a study of 1,100 people. Partners who sleep less than an inch apart are far more likely to be happy together than those maintaining a gap wider than 30 inches, the researchers found. The happiest couples: Partners who sleep face to face while touching were found to be 100% satisfied in their relationships Results: Couple who sleep while touching were found to be much happier than those who don't make any contact while sleeping And couples who spend the night making physical contact are happier than those who do not touch. The research, published today at the Edinburgh International Science Festival, expands on work by psychiatrist Samuel Dunkell. He found people who lie curled up in the ‘full foetal’ position are likely to be indecisive, anxious and sensitive to criticism. Those who sleep in a ‘semi-foetal’ position, with their knees drawn up, are conciliatory, amenable to compromise, and unlikely to take extreme stances, he said.People who sleep in the ‘royal’ position – flat on their back – tend to be confident, open, expansive, and sensation-seeking. And those who lie ‘prone’ on their face show a tendency for rigidity and perfectionism. The study found that 42 per cent of couples sleep back to back, 31 per cent face the same direction and just 4 per cent face one another. Around 34 per cent sleep touching and 12 per cent spend the night less than an inch apart, while 2 per cent are separated by more than 30 inches. Of those who fall asleep touching, couples tend to be happier if they are face-to-face than if they ‘spoon’ their partners, facing the same direction, or if they face in opposite directions.Of those who do not touch, the largest number of happy couples face the same direction – above those who sleep back to back or facing each other. University of Hertfordshire psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman, who led the study, said: ‘Ninety four per cent of couples who spent the night in contact with one another were happy with their relationship, compared to just 68 per cent of those that didn’t touch. ‘This is the first survey to examine couples’ sleeping positions, and the results allow people to gain an insight into someone’s personality and relationship.’ The study found 86 per cent of couples who slept less than an inch apart felt happy in their relationship, compared with 66 per cent of those who slept more than 30 inches apart. The latest results are part of Professor Wiseman’s wider research on sleep and dreaming. He is using Dr Dunkell’s ideas to examine the ways people relate to each other in their sleep. His initial findings suggest that people who sleep very close to their partners are more likely to be extroverts. He has written a book, Night School, about his work. Professor Wiseman said: ‘Thirty four per cent of people said they slept touching, but this rose to 45 per cent among
Author Unknown posted on 08:12

A police officer stops a motorist at a road block set up in Eastleigh on April 9, 2014 in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.  Kenya will deport 225 illegal immigrants from various countries who were arrested during the ongoing security crackdown, police have said. AFP PHOTO / TONY KARUMBA

police officer stops a motorist at a road block set up in Eastleigh on April 9, 2014 in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. Kenya will deport 225 illegal immigrants from various countries who were arrested during the ongoing security crackdown, police have said. AFP PHOTO / TONY KARUMBA 

Kenya will deport 225 illegal immigrants from various countries arrested during the ongoing security crackdown, police have said.
412 others are set to be transferred to designated refugee camps while 313 have so far been arraigned in court, an update on the operation dubbed Usalama Watch indicated Wednesday.
"The government policy is that all illegal aliens must be deported to their countries of origin...the process of deporting 225 people is ongoing," a statement from the police Inspector General David Kimaiyo said.
Those being deported include 214 people to Somalia, six to Ethiopia and two to Uganda. A Tanzanian, a Cameroonian and a South Sudanese will also be deported.
So far, 1,136 suspects from 14 different nationalities had been screened at the Kasarani Stadium, which has been gazetted as a temporary holding centre by the government.
According to the police, 186 people were released after the screening carried out by police, National registration Bureau, Immigration, Department of Refugee Affairs, and Anti-Terrorism Police Unit among others.
The police insisted that all registered refugees must be within the two gazetted camps, Kakuma and Dadaab in northern Kenya, warning that found to have left would be returned
Author Unknown posted on 08:09

Earlier today, I reported just how badly KOT and commentors on our Youtube channel were going at Corazon Kwamboka like cats and dogs tied up in one gurney sack. And I had half expected Corazon to hide somewhere and wait till the storm blows over but she is having none of that! The tough as nails lass is responding to everything KOT are throwing her way.

And this is her response to everyone who has an opinion on her video:
Author Unknown posted on 08:06

Wednesday April 16, 2014 – A war has ensued between former President Mwai Kibaki’s second wife, Mary Wambui, of TNA and DP candidate, Peter King’ara, over who should use President Uhuru Kenyatta’s picture in the campaigns ahead of the Othaya Parliamentary by-election scheduled for 29th April.

Each of the two want to use President Kenyatta’s portrait in their campaign posters with Wambui accusing King’ara of erroneously using Uhuru Kenyatta’s picture  when he is not a member of TNA.

The war emerged after King’ara erected two billboards in Othaya Town with him being flanked by President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, a move that has prompted TNA to write to the IEBC to take disciplinary measures against DP’s King’ara for flouting election laws.

However, reacting to the accusations, King’ara said he is free to use Uhuru Kenyatta’s picture the way he wants because he is the President of all Kenyans, not TNA.

Besides, King’ara said, he is only using President Kenyatta’s portrait because he supports his Government and does not need his help to win the by-election.

Author Unknown posted on 04:52

Tracy Ogbona is a Naija babe based abroad and one special thing about her is she has the biggest ikebe, and in no circumstances should Daniella Okeke even compete with this séxy chic in the big bottom battle. She just released some new photos. Also see more of her rough stuff below... Naija babe can compete with this load. lol!
Author Unknown posted on 03:09

Johannesburg - President Jacob Zuma has described Ronnie Kasrils's spoil-your-ballot campaign as a "very funny thing", SABC radio news reported on Wednesday.
Zuma told the state broadcaster he hoped he would get an opportunity to talk to the former intelligence minister and African National Congress stalwart about the campaign he launched on Tuesday.
Zuma said the ANC, including Kasrils, had fought hard for the right to vote.
"He himself fought for the right for people to vote and people have got a right to vote in any other way. It’s a very funny view that he has. He was not just a comrade to me - he was a friend, but I think over the years he has drifted to some world that I don’t understand.
"Maybe at some point I'll have an opportunity to meet him  and engage him. He knows I can engage and I know he can engage as well," Zuma said.
The "Sidikiwe! Vukani! Vote Campaign" calls on South Africans to either vote for a minority party, or spoil their ballots.
"If the ANC were to lose three, four percent in this election they'll still be in power, nothing will stop that," Kasrils told reporters at the launch at Wits University in Johannesburg.
"But what that signals... is that, my God you guys [ANC] better wake up... you're not going to last for five years, you're losing more and more respect."
- Watch: Nozizwe Madlala-Routledge explains 'Vote No' campaign
Author Unknown posted on 03:05

Cyrus is currently midway through her "Bangerz" tour.(REUTERS)

Singer Miley Cyrus cancelled her Tuesday 15 April show in Kansas City, Missouri, after being hospitalised for a "severe allergic reaction to antibiotics," the show venue says.

Cyrus, was placed on medical rest on doctors' orders, the Sprint Center in Kansas City says in a statement.

The singer posted a picture of herself in a hospital bed on Twitter with an apology to her Kansas City fans, saying "I wanted so badly 2 be there tonight."

The venue said ticket holders will be refunded.
The singer was forced to cancel her concert in Charlotte, North Carolina, earlier this month, after being diagnosed with the flu and ordered by doctors to rest.

Cyrus is currently midway through her "Bangerz" tour, playing 60 shows across North America and Europe between February and June. Her next scheduled show is in St. Louis, Missouri, on Wednesday.

Author Unknown posted on 03:05

Authorities plan to soon scale back the air and surface search for the MH370
Authorities plan to soon scale back the air and surface search for the MH370(REUTERS)

Malaysians frustrated with the pace at which a US undersea drone operates on Wednesday urged all parties to continue their search operation in all areas as they try to find the missing Malaysia Airline plane.

A US Navy underwater drone sent to search for the missing jetliner on the floor of the Indian Ocean could take up to two months to scour a 600 square kilometres area where the plane is believed to have sunk, US search authorities said on Tuesday.

"In technically view, it is valid but on the general view or the laymen perspective it is too long," said Muhammad Rushdi, 30-year-old Malaysian.

The prediction coincided with an early end to the first mission by the Bluefin-21 autonomous underwater vehicle, six hours into what was meant to be a 16-hour operation on Monday after it exceeded its 4.5 km depth limit and was automatically returned to the surface.

The introduction of the undersea drone marks a new slower paced phase in the search for Malaysia Airlines MH370 which disappeared on March 8 and is presumed to have crashed thousands of kilometres off course with the loss of all 239 people on board.

Authorities, who soon plan to scale back the air and surface search, are confident they know the approximate position of wreckage of the Boeing 777, some 1 550 km northwest of Perth, and are moving ahead on the basis of four acoustic signals they believe are from its black box recorders.

Some Malaysians thought the air and surface search should not stop as it is the only hope to find the missing plane. "Of course, don't stop. Please continue," said 32 year-old Nural Shia, adding that there is a lot of hope from the people.

But having not heard a "ping" for almost a week and with the batteries on the locator beacons two weeks past their 30-day expected life, the slow-moving underwater robot was launched on Monday to try and locate wreckage.

The search for the missing plane is on track to be the most difficult and expensive search and recovery operation in aviation history
From its first mission, the Bluefin-21 produced six hours of data which authorities analysed to find no objects of interest, Lt. J.G. Daniel S. Marciniak, a spokesperson for the US Seventh Fleet, said in a statement.

The robot, which takes two hours to descend another two to return to the surface, as well as several hours to download data, will build up a detailed acoustic image of the area using sophisticated "sidescan" sonar. It hopes to repeat its success in finding a F-15 fighter jet which crashed off Japan last year.

It is capable of spending up to 16 hours scouring the sea floor. If it detects possible wreckage, it will be sent back to photograph it in underwater conditions with extremely low light.

Officials are focusing their acoustic search on an area equivalent to a medium-sized city. But the much broader search area off the Australian coast covers about 60 000 square kilometres, according to the government.

Malaysian authorities have still not ruled out mechanical problems as causing the plane's disappearance, but say evidence suggests it was deliberately diverted from its scheduled route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

An aircraft's black box records data from the cockpit and conversations among flight crew and may provide answers about what happened to the missing plane. The search for the missing plane is on track to be the most difficult and expensive search and recovery operation in aviation history.

Author Unknown posted on 03:02
 Oscar Pistorius (Picture: Sapa)

Pretoria - Public interest in Oscar Pistorius's trial seems to have waned a bit with fewer people queuing up outside courtroom GD in the North Gauteng High Court on Wednesday morning.

When Pistorius again took the stand on Tuesday, scores of people had arrived at the court, hoping to be in the gallery for the proceedings.

While the back bench, which is reserved for the public, was full on Wednesday, people sat comfortably with space left over for more people.

Pistorius arrived in court dressed in a black suit and sat in the dock with his head bowed.

He later spoke to members of his legal team and stood up to talk to his family two benches behind him.

The paralympic athlete is charged with murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on 14 February last year.

He shot her through a locked bathroom door in his Pretoria townhouse. He claims he mistook her for an intruder.

However, the State argues that Pistorius intentionally shot her following an argument.

Pistorius is also charged with three contraventions of the Firearms Control Act, one of illegal possession of ammunition and two of discharging a firearm in public.

He has also denied guilt on these charges.
Author Unknown posted on 03:00

The Chadian troops were attacked by militia last week.
The Chadian troops were attacked by militia last week.(REUTERS)

Thousands fled as gun battle between Chadian troops escorting a convoy of Muslim civilians and local militia in Central African Republic, Medecins Sans Frontieres said on Tuesday, as Chad completed a withdrawal of soldiers from its violence-ravaged neighbor.

Central African Republic has descended into chaos since the mainly Muslim Seleka rebel coalition seized power a year ago. Its abuses on the majority Christian population triggered waves of revenge attacks, leading to thousands of deaths and displacing hundreds of thousands of civilians, including the majority of the country's Muslims.

The Chadian troops were escorting the last 540 Muslim residents of the northwestern town of Bossangoa to Gore in Chad when militia attacked the convoy at night on April 11 as it passed through Boguila, around 310 miles north of the capital Bangui.

The Chadian soldiers fought back, and three wounded were later admitted to MSF facilities in Boguila and Paoua.

"We witnessed the majority of the population fleeing in panic to the bush," Stefano Argenziano, MSF head of mission in the country, said in a statement on Tuesday, estimating that around 7,000 people were displaced in the clash.

"We are worried that the gun battle may have resulted in more people being injured. For the moment we cannot access the area to verify if this is the case and evacuate the wounded," Argenziano said.

The United Nations said earlier this month it was trying to urgently evacuate 19 000 Muslims from Bangui and other parts of Central African Republic who are surrounded by anti-balaka Christian militia threatening their lives.

They left with all their kit without waiting to be relieved
Chadian troops, at the heart of African efforts to stabilize the country, have escorted convoys carrying tens of thousands of Muslims.

N'Djamena began withdrawing its troops from Central African Republic's African Union peacekeeping mission, known as MISCA, earlier this month, however, following a series of violent incidents including an attack on a market that killed 30 civilians.

MISCA officers confirmed on Tuesday that Chad had competed its withdrawal and the AU mission and soldiers from a French intervention force had replaced them.

"They left with all their kit without waiting to be relieved," said a MISCA commander whose Congolese troops had replaced the Chadians in the towns of Kabo and Batangafo.

The United Nations Security Council last week authorized the creation of a nearly 12 000-strong UN peacekeeping force in the Central African Republic in a bid to end the violence. The UN operation will assume authority on September 15 from the 5 600-strong MISCA force.

Author Unknown posted on 02:56

dixon apr 16
Forensic expert Roger Dixon testifies at the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius at the High Court in Pretoria on Wednesday. Picture: Werner Beukes

Pretoria - The way in which Reeva Steenkamp was standing in Oscar Pistorius's toilet cubicle has been under debate in the High Court in Pretoria on Wednesday morning.
Pistorius is on trial for the murder of Steenkamp. He shot her dead through the locked toilet door of his home on Valentine's Day last year, apparently thinking she was an intruder.
Returning to the stand was Roger Dixon, a forensic geologist, who analysed the lighting conditions at Pistorius's home as well as the door the athlete shot through on the night he killed Reeva Steenkamp.
Defence advocate Barry Roux asked Dixon to construct a diagram showing both the bruises on Steenkamp's body and the bullet holes in the door.
Dixon said this showed the direction of the bullet that ricocheted off the toilet wall.
He said the bullet had impacted the wall sideways while still reasonably intact, and not head-on.
He said that the height of the bruises on Steenkamp's back meant it was unlikely caused by the bullet or its fragments.
On Tuesday, Dixon theorised that the bruises were caused by the magazine rack inside the cubicle.
The State's forensic expert, police Captain Chris Mangena, believed that the magazine rack had propped Steenkamp up after she fell backwards after she was hit by the first bullet.
Her sitting up meant she would have been in the line of fire for the other shots. But Dixon's testimony suggested she hit the rack on her way down, creating the bruises, rather than being propped up by it.
Dixon also said that if Steenkamp was wearing a top, the lack of holes in it at the back meant the bullet couldn't have created the bruises.
He also described Steenkamp's wounds from the other bullets, and said these shots were also not responsible for the bruises according to his analysis.
As these wounds were described, Pistorius audibly retched again as he sat cowered in the dock.
Roux said Mangena's evidence was that the first bullet fired had made contact with Steenkamp's hip, and Dixon agreed.
But Dixon did not agree with Mangena's theory that Steenkamp was facing the door, as the bullet had most likely been coming through the door at an angle.
He said Steenkamp's did not suffer a round, concentric wound that would have occurred if she had been facing the door.
Dixon said Steenkamp was standing close to the door at an angle with her arm out in front of her torso.
Her arm had also been marked by the splinters of door that came as secondary projectiles, followed by another bullet creating the major wound.
After the first bullet hit, Dixon said he believed Steenkamp had began to fall, and the next bullet at her arm pushed her back even further as she fell.
The next bullet may have hit Steenkamp's hand, going through the webbing and hitting the wall behind her.
By this point, Steenkamp's head was already lowering as she fell, and she was in the line of fire for the final bullet to hit it.
This version also fit with Pistorius's claim that he fired all four bullets in rapid succession.
On Tuesday, the defence played a clip of Dixon testing the noise of a cricket bat hitting the door, and recorded the sound from 60m and 180m where Pistorius's neighbours were on the night of the shooting.
The audio sample sounded similar to the sound of gunshots.
Again on Wednesay morning, Roux played an audio sample of the door being hit in rapid succession, as Pistorius claimed he had hit the door.
Next he played the sound of a gun being fired at the door from 60m. The sound of these shots was louder and slightly clearer than the cricket bat.
The defence has argued that Pistorius's neighbours were confusing these sounds when they testified and indicated that the athlete's version that he fired at the door and then hit it with the bat, was incorrect.
Prosecutor Gerrie Nel began his cross-examination by asking about Dixon's credentials and analytical method.
Nel said Dixon had not taken the court through the processes he'd gone through to come to his conclusions.
“What I've testified on now, that information was gained from reports by other expert witnesses,” said Dixon, who added his own analysis to reconstruct the scene and order of events.
Dixon said he had experience analysing fingerprints, footprints and other marks for the SAPS.
Nel also asked why Dixon had been brought to testify about the sounds of the cricket bat and the gun, despite not being a sound expert. Dixon said his expertise was to reconstruct the situation of the night of the shooting, and that he hadn't been part of the analysis of the sounds.
Dixon said he was accompanied by ballistics experts when conducting this test.
Nel then moved onto Dixon's analysis of the lighting conditions at Pistorius's home. On Tuesday, Dixon said when the curtains are drawn on a moonless night, the bedroom was pitch black.
Dixon said he had simply used his eyes to make his determination.
The expert also clarified the fibres found on the door were examined under a microscope to determine that they were part of Pistorius's sock. This showed the athlete had tried to kick down the door with his prosthetic legs.
But he said he'd never examined the socks themselves closely, but had seen pictures of them.
Nel suggested that because the expert had only seen images of the socks, he had no way of making a scientific finding around them.
The prosecutor then asked if Dixon was a blood spatter analyst, and he replied he had received no formal training in this field.
Nel said Dixon indicated a finding of how a door panel had been in contact with blood.
Nel said that if Dixon was employed at the forensic science laboratory, he would have to undergo many proficiency tests per year as an expert. But because Dixon no longer works for them, he said he had not been subject to these since 2011 or 2012.
On Tuesday, Dixon said the marks on the door were created by a cricket bat, and Nel asked if he had physically matched Pistorius's bat to the door.
Dixon said the grooves and shape of the bat, which he had held up against the door, meant this could be inferred.
Nel added that Dixon had failed to meet with the State's forensic experts. Dixon said he'd read their reports to come to his findings.
The prosecutor then said that Dixon had failed to draft a report on all of his testimony.
Dixon said he had written multiple reports for the defence.
Earlier, Judge Thokozile Masipa granted an application for a postponement of the case until May 5, as it had encroached on other matters needing attention from some of the prosecution team.
Judge Masipa said the progression of the case was indicated by record of the trial being more than 2 000 pages long. She also said a postponement would not prejudice Pistorius, especially considering he was out on bail.
Author Unknown posted on 02:47

Shortly after President Goodluck Jonathan blasted Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso at a rally in Kano and accused him embezzling his campaign money, he left Kano State for Aso Rock in Abuja. But the governor too was well prepared and as soon as Jonathan left, the governor led his state officials to sweep off Jonathan's feet from the ground he stepped on during his political rally.

In the Hausa culture, when a broom is used to sweep off the departure of a guest, it is the highest expression of disdain for the visitor, according to Kabiru Mohammed, a Hausa linguist.

Kwankwaso, who outrightly snubbed Jonathan and those who followed him to Kano, said:

“I regretted voting for President Goodluck Jonathan in 2011 Presidential Election, as he has done nothing to move the nation forward. Only a few people are enjoying in Nigeria at the expense of the generality of the citizenry.” 
...Nigerian politicians are just too funny!
Author Unknown posted on 02:46

Over 100 Nigerians were killed in the most gruesome manner on Monday just 20 kilometres to the Aso Rock residence of President Jonathan in Abuja. The UK ambassador to Nigerian was so touched about the sad incident that he rushed to the hospital to donate blood for the victims. Even the Speaker of the House of Reps, Tambuwal and Senator Bukola Saraki donated blood for the bomb blast victims.

But when President Jonathan got to the hospital, he was busy scratching his chin...

...and after scratching his chin at the hospital, he rushed to Kano for political campaign. Sorry, Nigerians!
Author Unknown posted on 02:45

Who knows that Cossy has a cute sister who is also as endowed as her? I think the difference is that the lady has not been flaunting her oranges in our faces. I wish Cossy can be like her elder sister. Check her out:

Dear Nkiru, help us influence your sister for the better. lol!
Author Unknown posted on 02:44

Firstly, it is wrong for this small girl to have started taking such photos. I wonder what could have led her into the act, as she looks like under 20. The pictures are so dirty that I can't even post them here. But at the same time, I do not think the guy who leaked the photo did well. He is very wrong.

I hear he is a phone repairer and he downloaded the girl's private photos while working on her phone. When he was done, he billed her N3,000 but she refused and after a heated argument she just threw N1,000 to him and walked away. The guy thought the best way to deal with her is to leak all her private photos. Sad!
Author Unknown posted on 02:43

If you think we have government that can guarantee your security in Nigeria, you are sitting on a long thing. The evidences on ground have shown that we all are at the mercy of kidnappers and suicide bombers.

While over 100 families are still mourning the tragic death of their people, no fewer than 103 female students of the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok in Borno State, were on Monday night abducted by the same dreaded Boko Haram sect believed to have carried out the Abuja attack.

Just before the news of the abduction spread on Tuesday, there was pandemonium at the National Assembly as a bomb scare forced Senators and House of Reps members to run for their lives and close their offices.

As for the female students, they are now at the teeth of Boko Haram. They were woken up at about 10pm in their hostel by the militants and ordered into four waiting lorries...

A girl, who did not wish to be named, was quoted as saying that she managed to escape after seeing some of her classmates jump out of the back of one of the lorries.

The insurgents also killed an undisclosed number of people in the village, carted away food items and burnt some houses as well as vehicles. It was learnt that some members of the special military force were among those killed by the terrorists, who were said to have had a field day.

At the National Assembly in Abuja, one of the workers said:

“They said that the premises should be evacuated before 2pm. I am running out, I don’t want to be caught up in any tragedy.”
But the SSS is trying to downplay the incident and stated that they are investigating how the rumour leaked.
Author Unknown posted on 02:42

Nana Kwaku Bonsam believes T.B. Joshua's prophesies are cooked up:

Ghanaian fetish priest, Nana Kwaku Bonsam, has revealed to that he would be meeting Pope Francis over Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua. He is set to leave the shores of Ghana on Friday 18th April to Italy where he hopes to meet the Pope, the most powerful Christian leader.

Nana’s move is to get the Pope to act against T.B. Joshua, whom he believes is defaming God:

“T.B. Joshua is not a man of God. When you are a spiritual man you can see that T.B. Joshua is not a man of God. If someone prophesies and it doesn’t come to pass you know he’s not a man of God. T.B. Joshua has good editors and they edit stuff and put on youtube and his TV station. I, Nana Kwaku Bonsam, has gone through the spiritual and I have seen that T.B. Joshua is not a man of God, he uses tricks….because of all these things, I want to go to the Pope and ask him why he is not taking action.
“Let’s look at the Ghana president. When you ask that who killed him I can say T.B. Joshua killed the Ghana president.”
According to him, T.B. Joshua’s misleading prophesies caused the death of late President John Atta Mills.

Nana Kwaku Bonsam says he wants the Pope to call T.B. Joshua to order. He explains that he wanted to get to T.B. Joshua spiritually but cannot do so because T.B. Joshua is not a spiritual person.

Among the issues he wants the Pope to address is what he called T.B. Joshua’s attitude of acting like Christ.

“In spiritual realms, if he had powers I could have talked to him but because he doesn’t have powers that is why I am going to physically to tell the Pope that T.B. Joshua the way he is doing the church…some people can think that if you go to church it’s not good.”

“He does things like he is Jesus Christ. When he speaks, when you look at his speaking, he does like Jesus Christ. But that is not the way Jesus came to do. So once I go to the Pope, the Pope can even call him to advise him, so that anything that he does he will come down small small so that everything will be successful.”

Asked whether he has already booked an appointment with the Pope, Nana revealed he’s not been able to but believes he would get access to the Pope once he gets to the Vatican.

The controversial Nana has advised African pastors and prophets to stop prophesying lies to their followers.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Author Unknown posted on 23:15


It was learned that the road from the main gate to the rim of the crater is set to be paved, to ease movements of vehicles in particular during the rainy season.
The stretch inside the park has been known to be treacherous during heavy rains and the project to tarmac the 6 kilometres up to the rim have been broadly welcomed by safari operators, even though they have to use a detour at present in order to either leave the conservation area or else get into it.
A spokesperson for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority was quoted as having given a price tag of some 2.8 billion Tanzania Shillings for the paving of the road which is, while leading to the rim of the crater, also the main route for safari traffic from Arusha to the Serengeti National Park as well as part of the transit route for traffic through the park destined for such places as Musoma on Lake Victoria. The work, according to information received from Arusha, should be completed by the 01st of June or soon afterwards though that may delay as a result of adverse weather conditions. The source also confirmed that there were no plans to tarmac other sections of this route inside the protected areas and that this particular stretch was selected to improve road safety and ensure that the road remains open year round and through the rainy seasons.
Author Unknown posted on 23:14

Lucy Williamson: Images reveal how quickly the ship went down

Two people have died and more than 100 remain unaccounted for after a ferry carrying 476 people capsized and sank off South Korea.
So far, 368 people have been rescued, local reports say.
A major rescue operation is under way, involving 34 naval, coastguard and civilian ships, and 18 helicopters.
The ferry, carrying mainly school students, was travelling from the port of Incheon, in the north-west, to the southern resort island of Jeju.
Images showed the ferry listing at a severe angle and then later largely submerged, with only a small part of its hull visible.
Cause unclear Pictures showed rescue teams balanced on the sinking hull pulling teenagers from cabin windows. Some of their classmates jumped into the sea as the ship went down.
Reports suggest some of those rescued were picked up by nearby commercial vessels.
Navy divers were now searching the scene for those unaccounted for, officials said.
A sinking South Korean passenger ship is seen at the sea off Jindo on 16 April 2014 Dozens of passengers have been rescued but the fate of many others remains unknown
South Korea Coast Guard members search near a South Korean ferry after it capsized on its way to Jeju island from Incheon on 16 April 2014 Reports said the ship capsized and sank within a period of two hours
Rescued passengers are brought to land in Jindo after a South Korean ferry carrying 476 passengers and crew sank on its way to Jeju island on 16 April 2014 Teams have brought rescued passengers to shore - at least 13 are reported to be hurt
Map locator
One body, of a female crew member, had been recovered from the ship, the coastguard said. Another person is reported to have died after being rescued.
Thirteen people were hurt, Yonhap news agency said.
One student told local media her friends became trapped.
"Currently, I am in the middle of being rescued. At the time, the ship was turning on its side, and none of us were moving as we were told not to move as it was dangerous," the unnamed student said.
"So, I am not well aware of the situation, but I am told that my friends and other friends could not escape as the passage was blocked. It seems that there are many students who could not get out as the passage was blocked by water."

It is not yet clear what caused the incident, but witnesses described hearing an impact, before the ship listed and quickly sank.
One passenger told the YTN news channel: "We heard a big thumping sound and the boat stopped.
"The boat is tilting and we have to hold on to something to stay seated," the passenger said.
Another passenger said the ship was "shaking and tilting", with people tripping and bumping into each other.
Weather conditions were described as fine.
News agencies said the ferry had sent out a distress signal about 20km (12 miles) off the island of Byungpoong at about 09:00 local time (00:00 GMT).
Angry parents have gathered at the school in Incheon to demand answers, reports the BBC's Lucy Williamson in Seoul.
Earlier reports put the number of passengers on the ferry at about 350. The vessel is reported to have a capacity of up to 900 people.
Author Unknown posted on 23:11

Ukrainian troops set up position at airport in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine. 15 April 2014 Ukrainian troops have set up positions around the airport in Kramatorsk
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Ukraine is "on the verge of civil war" after Kiev sent in troops against pro-Russia separatists.
Mr Putin, in a phone call to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, described the move as a "sharp escalation".
Ukraine announced the start of an "anti-terrorist operation" in the east of the country on Tuesday.
Moscow annexed Crimea last month and is believed to have thousands of troops massed along its border with Ukraine.
"The Russian president remarked that the sharp escalation of the conflict has placed the country, in effect, on the verge of civil war," the Kremlin said of Mr Putin's conversation with Mrs Merkel.
But it said that both leaders "emphasised the importance" of planned four-way talks on Thursday between senior diplomats from Russia, the EU, the US and Ukraine.
Buildings seized The Kremlin statement described the Ukrainian military operation in eastern Ukraine as an "anti-constitutional course to use force against peaceful protest actions".
Tensions have mounted in recent days after pro-Russian rebels seized buildings in about 10 towns and cities across eastern Ukraine.
They are demanding greater autonomy or referendums on secession from Ukraine.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said Russia had sent in "thinly disguised" armed groups to spearhead the occupation of buildings.
Speaking in London, he said Moscow faced "serious long-term consequences" if it continued to destabilise Ukraine.
Ukrainian acting President Olexander Turchynov said on Tuesday that troops had regained control of a military airfield in Kramatorsk after fighting with armed pro-Russian groups.
Barricades outside the mayor's office in Sloviansk. 15 April 2014 Barricades have been strengthened outside the occupied mayor's office in Sloviansk
Pro-Ukrainian rally in Luhansk, eastern Ukraine Pro-Ukrainian rallies have also been held in eastern towns, like here in Luhansk
He said the aim of the operation in the east was to "protect Ukrainian citizens, to stop the terror, to stop the crime, to stop the attempts to tear our country apart".
Overnight, up to 100 people were reported to be outside the airbase with petrol bombs lined up on the ground.
Ukrainian armoured vehicles have been assembling north of the nearby town of Sloviansk.
"They [separatists] must be warned that if they do not lay down their arms, they will be destroyed," Ukrainian Security Service General Vasyl Krutov told reporters.
Russia's foreign ministry has expressed "deep concern" at reports of casualties in eastern Ukraine, but these could not be confirmed.
Kiev and Washington have accused Russia of fomenting the unrest, something Moscow strongly denies.
The White House has described Ukraine's military operation as a "measured" response to a lawless insurgency.
Russia took control of the Ukrainian region of Crimea last month, after it held a controversial referendum on self-determination.
The US has said it is "seriously considering" adding to sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea.
Map: Eastern Ukraine

Author Unknown posted on 23:09

It's not only ladies who are "endowed" that will be flaunting their body anyhow. Tiwa too is up to the task...
Author Unknown posted on 23:08

President Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday tongue-lashed the Governor of Kano State, Rabiu Kwakwanso as he accused the governor of embezzling the money his Presidential campaign office provided to mobilise the state delegates for the 2011 presidential primary of the Peoples Democratic Party and the main election.

He said the governor deliberately engaged in the act to make the state delegates angry and refuse to vote for him in the primary and during the presidential election. Jonathan also said contrary to his claim, Kwakwanso did not vote for him in the 2011 presidential election.
Hear President Jonathan: “First, we read in some of the newspapers that the governor of Kano State, Kwankwaso said he regretted voting for me. Let me tell my good people of Kano that Kwankwaso did not vote for me and the Vice President whether in the primary or the main election. 
“We accommodate a lot, we know so much but we talk less... 

"Those of you from Kano in PDP, you knew what happened that when we entered that Eagles Square, by the time the counting got half way and when it was clear that I was to emerge as the candidate, Kwankwaso left the venue. 
“If Kwakwanso had voted for me, he would have stayed to celebrate with me with the other governors. Even the little money that my campaign office provided for refreshment of the Kano delegates and for their transport, Kwakwanso refused to give to the delegates. 
“He did that so that the Kano delegates will be angry and they will not vote for me. Even for the main election, the little money the campaign office sent to Kano State to facilitate the movement of people, Kwakwanso refused to give the money to anybody. How can Kwankwaso tell people that he voted for me?”
Jonathan made the allegations at a PDP unity rally held in Kano to welcome Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau who left the APC and joined PDP because of the phobia he has for Governor Kwankwaso.
Author Unknown posted on 23:08

Nigeria 2014 is scoring the highest number of violence related deaths of any nation in the world, including those embroiled in full war. The state of insecurity and criminality has reached unprecedented proportions. Bandits are in power and by them, the nation has been cursed with free flow of terror, Gbomo-gbomo ritualism, kidnapping, oil vandalism and high sea piracy and State corruption—economic terrorism.

After the March 18th, 2013 bombing of the bus park at Sabon Gari in Kano, one will expect that security updates will have been made to the nation’s busy motor parks, with barricades to prevent passenger vehicles from approaching closer than a 100 meter range; scanners and bomb sniffing dogs at public places should have also been instituted as obtains in nations similarly challenged. This was not done as the suspected bombers at Nyana, Abuja, drove right up to the front of the loading busses to deposit their bomb –laden vehicle. This Cabal government, engrossed in looting fails to live up to its serious requirements to secure life of the people.

Since the initiation of Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria, not a single Boko Haram sponsor has been taken in and successfully prosecuted by the government. The Jonathan administration has yet failed to prosecute those incriminated according to the Aba Moro white paper report on the president and NSA Dasuki’s desk. These culprits who have been chased out of Maiduguri by the Civilian JTF, enjoy life of freedom in the nation’s capital...
This Cabal government gives unconditional impunity to its Cabal friends who sponsor Boko Haram terror, a mechanism of national destruction that undeniably requires funding from wealthy looters of State treasury.

The looting of billions of dollars that should have been used to provide the basic required security updates to combat terror in a dynamically changing modern world where terrorists on the contrary, stay updated with the latest tools of their trade; signifies a Cabal lootocracy that will never ensure the barest security needs of the populace, life and property. The money for security is rather stolen by the government and being used to finance terror.

Several terror suspects, arrested in connection with the massacres of innocent people across the north of Nigeria; and likewise terror suspects arrested by the JTF and handed over to the nation’s security services in the oil looting and vandalized Niger Delta, have been released back into society by this Cabal regime that frees convicted killers and honors dead grand plunderers. This Cabal government and the current political dispensation which entails the association with and support of all Cabal who may assist all parties toward their objectives, can never secure life of the people.

The failure of this administration to secure the nation’s borders and halt the importation of all forms of deadly weaponry and mercenaries into the nation; is a result of the current 4th republic being embroiled in corruption that does not enable them focus with any seriousness on addressing the state of insecurity in the nation.

The open accusation of the opposition party and any oppositional elements, as the sponsors of the terror that has plagued the nation is treachery and national insult in so much as the administration fails to arrest these oppositionists if they are truly behind the terrorism wrecking the nation. If indeed the opposition are behind this carnage, the government must arrest them or resign today for incompetence and failure to execute its pledged duties. Bamanga Tukur who is the current head of the Railway Corporation must also be immediately arrested for patronizing and promoting Boko Haram, whom he described as “fighting for justice; and another name for justice.” The failure of this government to address terrorism seriously and arrest the Cabal implicated has led to a full vote of no confidence in this administration.

Nigeria’s army and security department remain underfunded, and unable to purchase modern equipment to live up to their dangerous and deadly obligations, consequent to the chronic and epic corruption in the corridors of power. This is unsustainable and a cause of disquiet among military ranks. Our military and even civilians volunteering to defend the nation deserve better form Nigeria.

Nigeria cannot continue on this path. It is time for radical and dynamic change. The Cabal are not repentant and have nothing to offer this nation other than suffering, pain, death and national embarrassment. It is time for the Cabal to go.

A New Nigeria from October 1st, 2014

In a new Nigeria after the Cabal have been retired, bomb and bullet proof vehicles must be banned among politicians and government officials to force them to address the security problems of the nation.

Travelling abroad for health issues must also be banned for all government officials to force an upgrade of the nation’s health sector.

There must be a ban on all private jets and the nation’s government officials must be forced to ply the nation’s roads and fly public airlines only on urgent occasion; this must be done in the new Nigeria to force an upgrade on the nations transport network.

Public buildings and public official residences must not be allowed the use of generators for the period of the transformation, to force the improvement in the nation’s power supply sector.

It is time we make serious changes as a nation. Patching is not working. The dead and maimed deserve our full battle against the vultures in and out of power who have cause the early end of their life, their disability and the pain to their families.

Federalism With 100% Resource Control

As insisted by members from the south and leaders from the north, most prominently, the Lamido of Adamawa, Alhaji Muhammadu Barkindo Mustapha, Nigeria must return to regionalism with 100% resource control. This will force regional responsibility in security matters and development of opportunities for the people.

The Nigerian masses are implored to determine their destiny. It is time for change. We must reject the death and shame wrought on the nation by these Cabal.

I do not want to die a useless death because I left thieves in power. No one should.

by Dr. Peregrino Brimah [Every Nigerian Do Something]
Email: Twitter: @EveryNigerian
Author Unknown posted on 23:06

The Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) at the Federal High Court in Lagos filed a seven hundred million naira (N700m) copyright infringement action against First Bank Plc on Tuesday.

In suit No. FHC/CS/L/530/2014 filed on behalf of COSON by Lagos IP lawyer, Mr. Justin Ige of Creative Legal, Seun Omotoba & Co, COSON is asking for the award of seven hundred million naira in unpaid royalties and damages against First Bank Plc for copyright infringement with respect to the unauthorized use of several musical works and sound recordings communicated to the public, deployed and exploited as marketing, promotional and advertising materials by First Bank Plc and contained in Sights and Sounds of Carnival Calabar.

COSON pleaded in its 29 paragraph Statement of Claim that First Bank Plc did not apply for or secure a license or any authorization whatsoever before exploiting, communicating to the public, publishing and deploying the musical works and sound recordings of its members and assignors as included in, reproduced and contained in the Sights and Sounds of Carnival Calabar and deployed by First Bank Plc in its marketing, promotion and advertising.

Speaking on the development, COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji said, ‘Let it be heard loud and clear, that COSON is determined to sanitize the copyright environment in Nigeria. No one is too big or too small to abide by the law. A lot of young Nigerians are investing their talents, time and money in creating the music which is making Nigeria famous across the world and they deserve to be respected. For anyone to exploit their creative ingenuity, the person must get appropriate permission. If a musician takes a loan from a bank without paying back, the bank will chase the musician to the ends of the world to recover the loan. What right does a bank have to use the property of the musician without payment or authorization?’’

Also reacting on the development, COSON General Manager, Mr. Chinedu Chukwuji, said, “Is it not hard to imagine why after being aware of the appropriate steps to take in the public communication of music, some people just find a way to kick against the law? Music is an investment and nobody treats lightly his investment. COSON will continue to ensure that the music industry in Nigeria is beneficial to all investors, foreign or local. We will see to it that the music pays no matter what tactics some music users may try to deploy in evading their obligations”.

Author Unknown posted on 03:52

Prophet T.B. Joshua has released a video chronicling how he prophesied about the bombing in Abuja that sent over 100 innocent Nigerians to their early graves. During a live Sunday service in his church, he said:
"Listen to me, my people in Nigeria. Once again, take note of this: Our security should be vigilant. I am seeing a very big strike - explosion. They should take care of Abuja - the capital. When I talk, you see me in a bad light.  But I will keep talking. I don't need to say the state but I am saying it. This is what I seeing happen in Abuja."
Check out the video from TB Joshua below...

Author Unknown posted on 03:51

Here's a message I got from a lady who said she want people to know the reason for their action:

Please sir, Mr Olu, I just want to tell you that it's not our fault that we go about servicing all kinds of men for the sake of money. Many guys do yahoo and armed robbery to survive but ladies can't do all that and since we are aware that these men will always need women to enjoy their money with them, there is nothing bad if we make ourselves available for you men and we get paid for our professional services.

Or can you people stay without a woman for one month? We are just helping men with our body...

Times are hard. My parents can't raise enough money for my school fees and my accommodation in school, so how will I feed, buy clothes, make-up and look good like other girls if I don't help my self? Many ladies are doing it here in my school and even other schools. It is condition that caused it.

People should understand that everything has changed!
- D
Author Unknown posted on 03:50

When politicians want to deceive you, they begin to call the name of God. But it is these same politicians that are stealing billions everyday, EFCC has been prosecuting some of court for three years, no progress. Others are being protected from prosecution by their master(s) who benefited from their looting.

Anyway, Prof Wole Soyinka has a message for them. Following the latest spate of Boko Haram attacks in the country, various prominent Nigerians have expressed their viewpoints on the state of rising insecurity.

One of such people is the respected nobel laureate. He said:

Our security challenges could not be remedied by prayers, but by leaders capable of handling the issue without partisanship. He stated that in order for Nigeria to tackle the Boko Haram scourge effectively, the Presidency and its agents should be humble and learn from countries that had experienced similar crises and how to were able to defeat the evil.
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